2 Down, 35 To Go


This week went so much more smoothly than last week.  The munchkins are finally getting the hang of what is expected of them. Hooray! This week we worked on independent reading–sitting in your chair and reading a book without talking. We’re up to 7 minutes. The goal is 10 minutes of sustained silent reading. We also began alliterative poems.  Some of the kids got the idea right away and came up with “snakes slither and eat spooky skunks.”  Others wrote things like “Dogs dig at PowerRangers and kill them. ”

In math, we practiced representing a number as a symbol, a pictures, with manipulatives, and as a dot pattern. Everyone got an A on the test!  We’ve been learning about weather in science and the kids have lots of interesting questions, like: how does a cloud know whether to rain or snow? and why does it get warmer in the daytime? In social studies, we’re introducing maps.  They made a map of our classroom and then gave directions on how to get to their desk (with varying degrees of success).

I love first grade!

3 responses »

  1. Papa and I are cheering for the first graders all the way from Arizona. Be sure to let us know when there’s a 10 minute silent reading period! Go, munchkins, go!

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